Pumps For Pulp and Paper Industry in Basic Woodship to Pulp

1 Truck Wash Down Sump
2 Chip Unloading Area Sump
3 Digester Area Sump
4 Knott & Rejects White Water Sumps
5 Fiber Recovery Pit Sump
6 Rainwater  Run-off Collection Sump
7 Evaporator Area Collection Sump
9 Green Liquor Storage Spill Sump- Recausticizing Plants
10 Lime Slaker
11 Lime Mud Sump Pump
12 Lime Emergency Dump Pond
13 Clarifier Underflow
14 Setting Pond Cleanout
15 Aerator Pond Cleanout

Bellow are some pumps could be used in Pulp and Paper Industry